6 years of adventures where we’ve:
And the biggest adventure yet, one happily ever after.
But of all the places we’ve been to, the French Alps hold a special place in our hearts, so we’d love for you to join us on this long weekend in the mountains to celebrate our wedding.
We want to thank you all for always being there along the way and are so grateful for you travelling out to celebrate our special day.
Use this website as your go-to for all up-to-date information about the long weekend in Morzine.
We’re thrilled to celebrate our wedding with you in the stunning French Alps at Morzine’s oldest building, The Farmhouse!
Friday 31st July 2026
We’ll be hanging out at the Farmhouse during the day if you want to say hello,
17:00 – Welcome BBQ & quiz night
Saturday 1st August 2026
15:30 – Arrive at the Farmhouse
16:00 – Ceremony
16:30 – Reception
18:30 to 12:30 – Dinner & Party
Sunday 2nd August 2026
11:30 – Meet us at the Lac de Montriond for an afternoon at the lake.
19:00 – We plan to head down to La Chaudanne for dinner, you’ll be able to reserve a table a few months before the wedding on their website here if you wish to join.
Monday 3rd August 2026
Up to 12:00 noon – We’ll be hanging out at the Farmhouse to say goodbye
We recommend hiring a car from the airport, but you can also arrange transfers to Morzine:
Wedding day
You can choose your colours, we only ask that you wear formal attire:
Day at the lake
There’s two restaurants at both edges of the lake that you can go to (Le Verdoyant and L’Auberge, Du Bout Du Lac de Montriond) and there are picnic tables available if you want to bring your own food.
Days have an average of 25C, but as we’re at altitude it can drop a bit chilly at night, so make sure you’ve got something to wrap up if you tend to get cold!
The biggest gift you can give us is joining us for the weekend in Morzine, but if you still feel you’d want to give a little something, we’ve put together a list of ideas here to help us with our honeymoon trip!
The Farmhouse is the perfect place to stay and it is fully reserved for our wedding. Unfortunately, it is not big enough to host everyone.
There are plenty of alternative hotels very close to the Farmhouse. Here are a few recommendations which are walking distance from the wedding location:
Le Sporting – 2min
La Clef des Champs – 3min
La Bergerie – 7min
Champs Fleuris – 7min
Le Samoyède – 7min
For groups, there are some great options on Airbnb for those that may want to stay together.